Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How To Use VPN With The Apple iPad

Using VPN with The Apple iPad And iPad 2

..."Can You Get Secure Connections From A Wireless Tablet, Yes You Can"...

While there are plenty of ways to protect your iPad and its data from neer do wells, one way is of specific interest to business users. The Virtual Private Network, or VPN for short. out of the box with no additional software the iPad supports three kinds of VPNs (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol L2TP, Point To Point Tunneling Protocol PPTP, amd Cisco IPSec Stands for internet Protocol Security. All three of them do pretty much the same thing, just in different ways. The kind of VPN you set up on the your iPad depends entirely on the kind of VPN thats set up on the network youre connecting to.

The iPad also supports what is also known and called SSL VPNs, which use the same SSL protocols that Websites use when they want to secure the connection so you can send sensitive data to them without worrying someone else sniffing that data for their own purposes. The iPad supports SSL VPNs from Juniper Cisco And F5 although you need to download clients for those from the iTunes APP Store. you can also create your own custom SSL VPN setup if you want.

I cant provide details for every possible VPN setup but I can explain the setup for Cisco IPSec. Its relatively common, and its the one I use. Youll follow the same general procedure for any of the others. Start by going into settings, and then tap VPN. Select add VPN Configuration and then IPSec. There, youll need to fill in a configuration Lcd with the following Details:

Server (The IP Address or DNS Name Of The VPN Router)
Account (Also known as user ID)
Either A Certificate (Which will be provided for your iPad by the VPN Administrator)
Group Name (Used to assign appropriate access privileges to different types of users for example: your IT group likely has different kinds of access than does a sale team).

Before you go to there trouble of entering all of that manually check with your IT Department. It may be able to use Apples iPhone configuration utility to create a configuration profile which you install on the iPad and which configures the VPN for you.

How To Use It
Once the VPN is set up using it is simple. When you want to connect to your VPN you reopen settings tap VPN select the configuration you want to use and tap the VPN on/off switch. Enter a password a couple of seconds later you should be connected. At that point you can connect to your network and do whatever you need to do and it should just work. The only visible sign that youre using a VPN at all is the small icon in the upper left corner of the Lcd. When youre done, go back into the VPN settings and tap on VPN on/off switch and the VPN connection will be terminated.

If youre using SSL VPN you can take advantage of VPN on Demand. Then you dont even have to turn it on. Whenever you try to access a site or a resource behind the VPN, the VPN will automatically start for you and quit when your done, simple and amazing isnt it. As with so many other things Apple has done a good job of making some ferocious technology easy to use. Setting up a VPN on the back end may be a truly tedious and annoying process. Connecting to one from an iPad is anything but annoying and tedious. The iPad makes it simple and thats what Apple is all about Simplifying your world around you.


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