Friday, October 10, 2014

Tip and tricks On Youtube

There is no doubtthat Youtubeis themost popularvideo streamingsiteson the internet.Whenyouwant towatch thelatest videosor findwide range oftutorialsin a variety ofways,the first placeyou cangoisYoutube.Howeverit turns outYoutubealso savevarioustipand tricksin using it.Tipsand tricks thatwill be shownthisworks onallpopularbrowsersaremaking it easier forthe userwhenbrowsingorsearching forspecific content.Here are someof them:

Playon acertainduration

If you want towatchvideoson acertainduration,you caninstantlyshifttimebartothe desiredduration.Butthere are other waysthat can be usedtoplay videosdirectlytothe desiredduration.For example, onthe link,youwill start thevideo from thesecondsto00: 00.If you want todirectlyrun it, at14minutes16seconds to, could adda commandto the commandabovelink#t=14m16saspace,so that theresult willbe like

Dont want tobotherto press thereplayevery timethe videois doneplaying?Turn on auto replayfunctiononly, so thatthe video will beplayedagainfrom the beginning ofeach completedplayedautomatically.Howtochangeaddressyoutubewith the commandinfinitelooperthebeginningaddress of thelink.For examplethe address, it can beconverted into,you willautomaticallybe directed toa third party siteandthe video will beplayedbylooping.Even with theexistence of atimebar,you candetermineyourselfwhich partstorepeatedcontinuouslywithout having tostartfrom scratch.

Autoplay videoin high definition

Usually,by default theYoutubevideowill playimmediatelywith a selection oflow resolutionso that userscanrun it withmore smoothly, especiallyfor those whohavelimitedbandwidth.But for thosewho have access, youcan instantlytoneddetermines theresolution ofthe video tohigh-definitionoptions(ifsupported).For itis requiredan add-oncalledMagicActionsforYoutubeare available forGoogle Chrome browser, Opera, and Firefox.Once attached, turn on theAutooptionand choose theHDresolutiondesired.


Probably notmany knowthat Youtubehas a feature calledFeatherBeta.This featureis intended forusers whowant to run a videobut havea slow internet connection.This systembasicallyslashedsomebytesthat limitspeed ofvideo streaminginthe browser.To enable this feature,you cango tothe link click onthe Join buttonthe"Feather" Beta.The name ofthe Betaitselfis indeedconfirmed thatthis featureis still in theexperimental stageso thatit could bethere are stilla few bugsin it.Youtubeitselfsaid thatthe possibility of someparticular videowill not workwiththisfeatureenabled.However,it doesnt hurtyouto try itfirst.

Openthe blockingarea

Some videosare only availabletocertaincountries/territorieswitha variety of reasons.The IP address usedwill determinewhichpositionsyouare andwillblockedcertain videosthat arereserved only forthepermittedareasonly.However,youcan stillaccessthe videowith minimalchangingURL addresstoaccess it.Change theURLfrom<code><code>.For example,


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