Friday, October 3, 2014

Standard UTP Cable

Oftenwe are faced withproblems that mayseemtrivialbutcan be fatalinthe future. Forsome people(including me once) connect theUTPcablewithRJ45connectorsis sufficientfromthe twoendsare the same colorwould haveno problem. However,in acomplex networkinvolvingmany peopleandcertainlyitcouldmakeproblemsandcomplicationsoccurred. Becauseitsimportant to dothe installationstandards.

UTPcableis atransmission mediumof the mostwidely usedtocreatealocalnetwork(Local Area Network), butbecause the price isrelativelycheap, easy to installandquite reliable.As the name impliesmeansUnshielded TwistedPairTwistedpairwiring/twisted(twisted pair)unprotected(unshielded). Thiscoilfunctionsare asinductionandeliminationofleaks. Earlier there werealsowiredSTP(Shielded TwistedPair), forexamplethe imagecan be seenbelow:

There areseveraltypes ofcategories ofUTPcableisashowquality, the numberdensity ofcoil pair, the higher category ofthemeeting ofthe windingsandother parameterssuch as thefollowing:

Used fortelephonecommunication(transmit low speed data), so it is notsuitablefor transmittingdata.

Category2 UTPcable
Capable of transmittingdata at speedsup to 4Mbps(Megabits persecond)

Usedin10BaseTnetwork, capable of transmittingdata at speedsup to1Mbps. 10BaseTstands for10Mbps, Baseband, Twisted pair.

Often usedintokenringtopology, capable of transmittingdata at speedsup to16Mbps

capable of transmittingdata at speedsup to100Mbps,

capable of transmittingdata at speedsup to1000Mbps(1Gbps), the frequency signalwhichcanpass upto 100MHz.

Capable of transmittingdata at speedsup to1000Mbps(1Gbps), the frequency signalwhichcanpass upto 200MHz. Physicallythere is aseparatorwhich is madeofplasticthat servesto separatethe fourpairsinthecable.

Category7UTPcablegigabitEthernet(1Gbps), the frequency of 400MHzsignal
ForUTPcabling, there are twotypes ofUTPcablingcommonly usedincomputer networks, especially LANs, theStraight ThroughCableandCross OverCable

straight cable
Straight cableis acable thathas away ofmountingthe samebetween thetip ofonewiththeotherend. Straight cables are usedtoconnecttwodifferentdevices.

Straight cableisa standardsequencelike thisisin accordancewith the standardT-568A/
T-568B(the most widely used) oris sometimes alsousedaccording tostandardT-568A/T-568Bas follows:

Examples ofthe use ofstraightwiresare asfollows:
1. Connectingthecomputertoswitch
2. Connect thecomputerwiththeLANcablemodem/DSL
3. Connect therouterto theLANto thecablemodem/DSL
4. Connectswitchtorouter
5. Connect thehubto therouter

Crossovercableis acable thathas adifferentarrangementbetweenthe tipofthe end of thetwo. Crossovercableusedtoconnecttwodevicestogether. The picture below isa standardarrangement ofcross-overcable.

Examples ofthe use ofcrossovercablesare asfollows:
1. Connecttwopieces ofthe computer directly
2. Switchto connect 2pieces
3. Connecting2 pieces ofhub
4. Connectswitchtohub
5. Connect the computerwith therouter

8 piecesofexisting wiresinUTPcableis(either instraightorcrossovercable) onlyfourpiecesareusedtosendandreceivedata,there arewireson pins1,2,3and 6.

Creating aStraightcableandCross Over
Tocreateawirednetwork usingUTPcable, there are sometoolswe need to prepare, that is UTPcable, RJ-45 Connector, crimpingtools, and RJ-45 LANTester, exampleslike the followingpicture:

 good luck


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